Last update: May 19, 2022 (KST)

IWUMD 2022 Topics
1. AlN Bulk Crystals and Templates 6. Nanostructures and Nanodevices
2. Growth and Properties of AlGaN Heterostructures 7. UV Photonics and Devices
3. BN Growth and Fundamental Properties 8. Wide-gap Heterostructure Physics
4. Growth and Properties of Oxides (Ga2O3 etc.) and Diamond 9. UV Characterization Techniques
5. UV-emitters (Lasers and LEDs) and Detectors

1. AlN Bulk Crystals and Templates

High-Temperature Annealed Al(Ga)N Templates for UV LEDs – Opportunities and Challenges

Dr. Sylvia Hagedom (Ferdinand-Braun-Institute gGmbH, Germany)

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Sylvia Hagedorn works as a senior scientist in the Materials Technology Department at Ferdinand-Braun-Institut gGmbH. She received her PhD from the Technical University of Berlin in 2015. Since 2008, she has been working on the growth and characterization of III-nitrides with a special focus on AlN pseudo-substrates for UV-LEDs.

AlGaN Strain-Quality Engineering on Low Dislocation Density AlN Templates for High-Power UVC LEDs

Prof. Chia-Yen Huang (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)

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Dr. Chia-Yen Huang was born in Taipei, Taiwan, 1985. He received his bachelor’s degree in Materials from National Taiwan University in 2007 and doctoral degree in Materials from University of California, Santa Barbara. After Ph.D. degree, he has serviced in industry, academia, and government-funded research organization (ITRI) in Taiwan for 8 years, then joined National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University as an new faculty in 2021. Dr. Huang’s research area focuses on the materials science and device engineering of III-nitride based optoelectronics from red to deep-UV spectral region.

Fabrication of Face-to-Face Annealed Sputter-Deposited AlN for High EQE 265 nm LEDs

Dr. Kenjiro Uesugi (Mie University, Japan)

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Kenjiro Uesugi received his B.E. and M.S. degrees from The University of Tokyo in 2011 and 2013, respectively. In 2018, he joined Mie University and is currently an assistant professor. He received his Ph.D. in 2019 from Mie University. His current research interest involves the growth of high-quality Al(Ga)N and its application to DUV light-emitting devices or high-power electronic devices.

2. Growth and Properties of AlGaN Heterostructures

Nanoscale Characterization of Novel AlGaN/GaN-based Nanostructures

Prof. Juergen Christen (The Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany)

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Dr. Juergen Christen is a full Professor at the Institute of Physics, Otto‐von‐Guericke‐University Magdeburg, Germany. He joined the faculty 1994, after postdoctoral research at Bell Communications Research BELLCORE, Red Bank, NJ, USA (1990/1991) and as Visiting Scientist at the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research ISIR, Osaka University, Japan (1993). In 2001/2002 he was Visiting Professor at Arizona State University ASU, Tempe, AZ, USA. Juergen Christen studied physics at RWTH University of Aachen and received his PhD in physics at Technical University Berlin in 1988. He has received the Oyo Buturi Price of the Japanese Society of Applied Science (1988), the Carl‐Ramsauer Award (1988), and the Otto‐von‐Guericke Research Award (2009). His research mainly concentrates on nano‐scale luminescence characterization of III‐V compound semiconductors - in particular III‐nitrides ‐ including nano‐structures and devices. He is the author or co‐author of 400+ refereed journal articles with over 10,000 citations and over 150 invited talks at scientific conferences.

Strategies of AlGaN Heterostructure Design and Growth for UVC Optoelectronic and Electronic Device Applications

Prof. Okhyun Nam (TU-KOREA, Korea)

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Okhyun Nam is a professor in the department of Nano and Semiconductor Engineering at the TU-Korea (Tech University of Korea), South Korea. His teaching and research interests are in the areas of the UWBG (ultra-wide bandgap) semiconductor materials such as AlGaN and diamond and their device growth and fabrications for the electronic and optoelectronic applications in the future. After obtaining a Ph.D. from Yonsei University in South Korea in 1994, Professor Nam has studied the III-nitride semiconductors at the KIST and North Carolina State University as a post-doctoral researcher between 1995 and 1998. Also, he has studied and developed III-Nitride blue laser diodes between 1998 and 2007 at the Samsung Advance Institute of Technology. He has been working at TU-Korea since 2007 and published over 150 SCIE international journals and has 60 patents.

3. BN Growth and Fundamental Properties

Efficient Light-Matter Interaction in Hexagonal Boron Nitride

Prof. Guillaume Cassabois (University of Montpellier, France)

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Guillaume Cassabois is a Professor at Montpellier University. He received his PhD at Ecole Normale Superieure-Paris (ENS) in 1999. He was assistant professor in Sorbonne University/ENS, and he has been a Professor working in Laboratoire Charles Coulomb-Montpellier since 2010. He is an expert in the optical spectroscopy of semiconductors.

Probing Deep-Ultraviolet Optoelectronic Processes in Hexagonal Boron Nitride

Prof. Jonghwan Kim (POSTECH, Korea)

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Jonghwan Kim, Ph. D., is interested in novel phenomena emerging in low-dimension nanomaterials for fascinating optical science and optoelectronics. He has obtained Ph.D. in Physics at UC Berkeley in 2015 with the focus on ultrafast optical spectroscopy/microscopy, high quality 2D material fabrication and nano-device application. In POSTECH, as an assistant professor started from 2017, he has been constructing an interdisciplinary research team at the department of materials science and engineering to connect the bridge between fundamental physics and advanced material engineering.

The Emergence of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Material as an Enabler for Next Generation III-Nitride Devices

Prof. Abdallah Ougazzaden (Georgia Institute of Technology, France)

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Professor at Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT)/ECE School, President of Georgia Tech-Lorraine, the European Campus of GIT in France, Co-Founder and Co-President of Lafayette Institute a platform of Innovation and Technology Transfer in optoelectronics. He worked in R&D as senior researcher and group leader on Epitaxy by MOCVD at CNET /France Telecom (France) for more than 8 years and one year at Optoplus/Alcatel (France). In 1999, he joined Bell-Labs at Lucent Technologies (USA), as Manager of Epitaxy and materials characterization for High-Speed Optical Fiber Communication. He kept this position with Agere Systems (USA), and then he worked as R&D and Fab Manager at TriQuint Semiconductors (USA). Dr. Ougazzaden joined Georgia Institute of Technology in 2005. He is leading a group of research in the field of Epitaxy and device fabrication based on III-Nitride semiconductors, boron nitride and its alloys. He has authored more than 450 international scientific papers and communications and holds 27 patents.

Growth of Monolayer and Few-Layer Hexagonal Boron Nitride by Chemical Vapor Deposition

Prof. Hyeon Suk Shin (UNIST, Korea)

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Hyeon Suk Shin is a professor at Department of Chemistry and Department of Energy Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Korea. He received his PhD from Department of Chemistry at POSTECH in 2002. After working as a postdoctoral fellow at University of Cambridge, UK and subsequently as a research Professor at POSTECH, he joined UNIST in 2008. He received Sigma-Aldrich Excellent Chemist Award (Korean Chemical Society) in 2020, Basic Researcher of the Year award (Ministry of Science and ICT, Republic of Korea) in 2020, Creative Knowledge Award (Minster Award by Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning) in 2015, outstanding researcher award (Materials Chemistry Division, KCS) in 2015, the Faculty of the Year award of UNIST in 2014, and the Minister award of Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Korea in 2012. His current research is focused on 2D materials, including graphene, h-BN, transition metal dichalcogenides, and their heterostructures, and their applications for electrocatalysts and (opto)electronic devices.

4. Growth and Properties of Oxides (Ga2O3 etc.) and Diamond

Potentials of Future Ultra-Wide Bandgap Oxide Semiconductors

Dr. Shizuo Fujita (Kyoto University, Japan)

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Dr. Shizuo Fujita received B.S and M.S degrees from Kyoto University in 1978 and 1980, respectively. Then he worked in Kyoto University as a Research Associate and received Ph.D degree in 1990. He was promoted to Associate Professor and Professor of Kyoto University in 1990 and 2001, respectively. His research area has focused on evolution of novel growth technology of new semiconductors, including III-V, III-N, II-VI, and oxides. He retired the Professor job in 2021, and now joins to Office of Society Academia Collaboration for Innovation (SACI) of Kyoto University to explore social implementation of advanced devices.

Structural Defects in Monoclinic β-Ga2O3

Prof. Soon-Ku Hong (Chungnam National University, Korea)

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Soon-Ku Hong is a Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the Chungnam National University in Korea since 2003. He received his B.S. in metallurgical engineering from Korea University in 1989, M.S. in materials science from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in 1992, and Ph.D. in applied physics from Tohoku University in 2001. He worked at SKC (1992~1994) and at Samsung Advanced Institute of Science (1994~1998). After completing his PhD degree, he performed postdoctoral work in the Brown University. He has been a faculty member in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the Chungnam National University since 2001. He has worked on epitaxy and TEM characterization of ZnO, GaN, SiC, and Ga2O3.

Two-Inch High Quality Diamond Heteroepitaxial Growth on Sapphire for Power Devices

Dr. Seong-Woo Kim (Admant Namiki Precision Jewel Co., Ltd., Japan)

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Dr. Seong-Woo Kim moved to Japan after military service in Korea. He has been in Japan for 27 years. During his exchange program, he attended Nippon Institute of Technology to obtain Ph-D degree on the subject of MOCVD growth on GaN device. After graduate, He joined Adamant Namiki Precision Jewel Co., Ltd. He worked in R&D division for 7 years to develop GaN wafer production technologies, such as bulk GaN growth by HVPE, CMP process of GaN. Recently he is tackling novel Hetero Epitaxial growth of Diamond with Micro Wave Plasma CVD.

Progress in Beta-GA2O3 Materials and Devices

Prof. James Speck (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)

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James S. Speck is a Professor in the Materials Department at the University of California Santa Barbara. He received his B.S.M.E. from the University of Michigan in 1983 and his S.M. and Sc.D. in materials science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1985 and 1989, respectively. He has been a faculty member in the Materials Department At UCSB since 1990. He has worked extensively on the materials science of GaN and related alloys.

Epitaxy of Metastable Gallium Oxide towards High Performance Ultraviolet Photodetectors and Power Devices

Prof. Jiandong Ye (Nanjing University, China)

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Jiandong Ye finished his PhD at the Department of Physics, Nanjing University, China. He served as a Senior Research Engineer and Queen Elizabeth II Fellow at the Institute of Microelectronics, A*STAR, Singapore and the Australian National University, respectively, during 2006 to 2015. Since 2011, he holds a professorship at School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University. His research interests includes the fundamental and applied research of the wide-bandgap semiconductor materials and devices.

5. UV-emitters (Lasers and LEDs) and Detectors

Current Status and Future Works of High-Power Deep UV LEDs

Dr. Rakjun Choi (SL Vionics, Korea)

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Director, SL Vionics Co., Ltd, Korea

AlGaN-Based UV-B Laser Diodes Fabricated on Lattice-Relaxed AlGaN Formed on Sapphire Substrates

Prof. Motoaki Iwaya (Meijo University, Japan)

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Motoaki Iwaya received the B.A., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and electronic engineering from Meijo University, Japan, in 1998, 2000, and 2003, respectively. From 2003 to 2007, he was an Assistant Professor at Meijo University, where he was a Researcher of Group-III nitride materials and frontier devices in Prof. Akasaki and Amano’s Group. He became an Associate Professor and Professor at Meijo University in 2007 and 2020, respectively. His experience covers all the nitride-based semiconductor optoelectronic and electronic devices, such as UV/blue/green/white light emitting diodes, UV/violet laser diodes, field effect transistors, photo detectors, solar cells, and MOVPE epitaxial growth, device processing, and crystal characterizations. He is a member of the Japan Society of Applied Physics, the Japanese Association for Crystal Growth, and SPIE.

Interband Tunnel Junctions for AlGaN Ultra-Violet Light Emitting Diodes

Prof. Siddharth Rajan (The Ohio State University, USA)

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Siddharth Rajan is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Materials Science and Engineering departments at The Ohio State University, where he joined the faculty in 2008. He received his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2006 from University of California, Santa Barbara, and has held research positions at UC Santa Barbara and GE Global Research. He has co-authored 7 book chapters, over 160 journal papers, and over 150 invited and contributed presentations in the area of semiconductor materials and devices.

Deep Ultraviolet Micro-LEDs Exhibiting High Output Power and Broad Bandwidth Simultaneously

Prof. Xinqiang Wang (Peking University, China)

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Dr. Wang is a full Professor of School of Physics at Peking University. He joined the faculty on May 2008, after more than 6 years’ postdoctoral research at Chiba University and Japan Science Technology Agency, Japan. He has received the China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists in 2012 and has been awarded Changjiang Distinguished Professor by Ministry of Education in 2014. He mainly concentrates on III-nitrides compound semiconductors including epitaxy and device fabrication. He is the author or co-author of 200+ refereed journal articles with over 4000 citations and has delivered over 40 invited talks at scientific conferences and contributed three chapters in three books.

Semipolar AlGaN-based Solar-Blind Ultraviolet Photodetectors with Fast Response

Prof. Tongbo Wei (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

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Dr. Wang is a full Professor of School of Physics at Peking University. He joined the faculty on May 2008, after more than 6 years’ postdoctoral research at Chiba University and Japan Science Technology Agency, Japan. He has received the China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists in 2012 and has been awarded Changjiang Distinguished Professor by Ministry of Education in 2014. He mainly concentrates on III-nitrides compound semiconductors including epitaxy and device fabrication. He is the author or co-author of 200+ refereed journal articles with over 4000 citations and has delivered over 40 invited talks at scientific conferences and contributed three chapters in three books.

Growth, Fabrication and Applications of Far-UVC LEDs with Emission below 240 nm

Dr. Tim Wernicke (Technical University Berlin, Germany)

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Tim Wernicke is group leader of the Nitride Epitaxy Laboratory at the Insitute of Solid State Physics, Technische Universität Berlin since 2010. His special interests are epitaxy of III-nitrides, growth and analysis of AlGaN materials and fabrication and analysis UV-LEDs and UV-lasers.

6. Nanostructures and Nanodevices

Understanding and Improving the Efficiency of hBN and AlGaN Light Emitters through Predictive Atomistic Calculations

Prof. Emmanouil Kioupakis (University of Michigan, USA)

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Emmanouil (Manos) Kioupakis is an Associate Professor and the Karl F. and Patricia J. Betz Family Faculty Scholar in Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan. He develops and applies atomistic first-principles computational techniques to understand and predict the optoelectronic properties of nitride materials.

Luminescence Properties for III-Nitride Semiconductor Nanostructures and Optoelectronic Devices with Wavelength Range from Visible to Ultraviolet

Prof. Bin Liu (Nanjing University, China)

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Dr. Liu is currently a Professor of School of Electronic Science and Engineering at Nanjing University. He joined the faculty on August 2008 after he received his Ph.D. degree in solid state electronics from Nanjing University, Nanjing, China in 2008. He previously worked in the Chinese University of Hong Kong as a visiting scholar in 2009 and the University of Sheffield as a postdoctoral researcher from 2012 to 2014. His interests include the growth of III-nitride semiconductors using metal–organic chemical vapor deposition(MOCVD) and molecular beam epitaxy(MBE), and fabrication of III-nitride nanostructures and optoelectronic devices.

7. UV Photonics and Devices

Harmful Role of Hydrogen in Deep UV Materials and Devices

Prof. Duanjun Cai (Xiamen University, China)

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Prof. Duanjun Cai was born in Xiamen, China. He got his Ph. D degree on Condensed Matter Physics in 2006 from Xiamen Univeristy. He moved to National Taiwan University of Taiwan, University of Coimbra of Portugal and Université Lyon I of France as a postdoctoral fellow. After his postdoctoral researches, he joined College of Physical Science and Technology at Xiamen University in 2011 as an Associate Professor and then full professor. He also served as an Adjunct Associate Professor at National Taiwan University of Taiwan in 2013, and a visiting Professor at Duke University of U.S.A in 2016. Dr. Cai has been a pioneer in nitride semiconductor, biophysics, nanoscience and nanotechnology. He has originated novel strained heterostrctures and enhance p-type conduction of AlGaN for deep UV LEDs, non-contact nanoscaled electrical characterization method on AES, original concept of bio-heterojunction on firefly chromophores, invention of superfine and ultralong Cu nanosilks as transparent electrodes, and extremely large size (25 in) growth of 2D monolayer h-BN film. He is a member of American Physical Society, American Biophysical Society, American Chemistry Society, Physical Society of R.O.C., and Semiconductor Society of P.R.C. He has published over 100+ papers in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences, and is the principal inventor on more than 30 patents.

High Internal Quantum Efficiency of AlGaN UV-C MQWs on Face-to-Face Annealed Sputter-Deposited AlN Templates

Dr. Hideaki Murotani (Tokuyama College, Japan)

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Hideaki Murotani received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and electronic engineering from Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi, Japan, in 2005, 2007, and 2010, respectively. He is currently an associate professor at Department of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tokuyama College.

High-Efficiency AlGaN Homojunction Tunnel-Junction Deep-UV LEDs

Mr. Kengo Nagata (Nagoya University / Toyoda gosei Co., Ltd., Japan)

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Kengo Nagata received a B.A. and M.E. degrees from Faculty of Science and Technology, Meijo University from 2009 to 2011. Since 2011 he has been an engineer in Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd. He has experienced nitride-based light emitting devices such as UV / blue / green / white light emitting diodes, UV laser diodes, MOVPE epitaxial growth, device processing, and crystal characterization. He is currently working toward the Ph.D in Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya university from 2019 and studying AlGaN growth by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy and characteristics of deep UV emitters. He is a member of The Japan Society of Applied Physics and Japanese Association for Crystal Growth.

8. Wide-gap Heterostructure Physics

9. UV Characterization Techniques